Skin Care in Torrance Ca | The best skin care in South Bay - Wakeup Beauty Full Service Salon

Wakeup Beauty Full Service Salon
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Skin Care Services
A lot of time, people just leave it up to Mother Nature to care for their skin. This is rarely (if ever) the right course of action. The skin that you have now is meant to be preserved. Without the right care and steps taken early on, you put yourself at risk of allowing damage that no amount of procedures or products can undo. So how can you protect and care for your skin today?

Facials Are Important

Your face is one of the very first things that almost anyone you meet is going to see. That is a window into not only your age, but also whether or not you keep up with taking care of yourself. Facial treatments are a way for you to not only improve the way that your skin looks, but also to have a rejuvenating effect on the way you feel about the face you are showing the world.

Levels of Facial Care

Think for a moment about all of the various cleaners, anti-aging products, lotions and moisturizers that are on the market right now just for your face. When you attribute the kind of routines that people all over the world undergo every day to keep their skin soft and tight, it isn’t surprising that treatments aren’t “one size fits all”. That’s why there are varying levels of focus and time spent, which can all offer different results.

Is It Expensive To Do?

The process itself, no matter what package you choose, isn’t going to cost you an arm and a leg. The bottom line is this: what amount is too expensive for the beautification of your skin? No matter what your response to that question is, the skilled staff of Wake Up Beauty Full Service Salon have a treatment plan that fits your budget.

Types of Skin Care Available

At Wake Up Beauty Full Service Salon, caring for the skin is an important part of the services that we offer. While we might be specialists of caring for the skin on your face, you can take advantage of various packages that are offered to help you choose the kind of products, time and effort are spent to rejuvenate and improve the quality of your skin. Here are the treatment options available to you:

• Organic Facial – Suitable for all skin types, this organic skin care(paraben and gluten free) facial will leave you refreshed and revitalized.

• Herbal Facial – This allows a little bit of natural remedy into the mix and let’s some of nature’s finest creations bring your skin to life.

• Mini Facial – This 30 minute process is a quick cleaning and scrubbing, followed by a rejuvenating mask.

For more information about facial treatment processes in the Torrance, CA area, or to schedule your appointment today, be sure to reach out to us at:

Wakeup Beauty Full Service Salon
Tel: (310) 465-0035
4126 Sepulveda Boulevard, Torrance, California 90505
4126 Sepulveda Blvd., Torrance, CA 90505
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